This graphic from the Biden/Harris presidential campaign well characterizes the sentiments expressed in this essay. The Domino Principle is not affiliated with any political party or campaign.
One of the objectives of authoritarian regimes is to extinguish hope so everyone will give up. So let’s talk about… HOPE.
I now know with certainty which of my acquaintances support systemic racism, but I also see so many more who do not, and each of them gives me hope.
I now know which of my acquaintances would prefer to see America as a corrupt oligarchy rather than a secular democracy, but I also see so many more who do not, and each of them gives me hope.
I now know which of my acquaintances would have been silent or would have applauded, while conveying thoughts and prayers, when my relatives of generations past were dragged from their homes into concentration camps 80 years ago, but I also see so many more who I now know would not have, and each of them gives me hope.Continue Reading >>
What makes a country great? For most of us, many factors might come into play, such as the country being exceptional in terms of:
• geographic expanse and resources;
• population;
• military power and victories;
• wealth, productivity, and an ever increasing standard of living;
• leadership in technology and innovation;
• global political and cultural leadership and influence;
• health, happiness and quality of life;
• and a commitment to justice, equality and human rights.Continue Reading >>
A Domino Principle reader wrote today: “What I want to know is: what can be done to stop Trump. Since there seems that NO ONE can or will. I know voting is the best way to get him out, if we can have a election without him suppressing the voters.”
The news each day is overwhelmingly horrific. Election tampering and voter suppression, plague, racism, fascism, economic collapse, corruption, treason and a President’s relentless betrayal of his oath of office and erosion of American values.Continue Reading >>
Strategies for taking command of our lives through seeing "deep repercussions" in world events and realizing how chain reactions can produce future outcomes.