And if you are not okay either, know that such a reaction is reasonable, and that you are not alone, given the current political circumstances.
Sleeping was really difficult for me last week, and at times, even in warm surroundings, I felt cold and shivery. Concentrating was hard, and often there was a sense of denial about what had just happened. There were moments when I just wanted to find a dark closet, close the door, and curl up in a fetal position. Nausea came and went, and watching the news felt, and still feels, impossible. There’s a deep shame about my country, and I am heartbroken and horrified for my Ukrainian friends, whose situations are far worse than mine.Continue Reading >>
Six months from today, at noon on January 20, 2021, the current terms of office for Donald John Trump and Mike Pence will come to an end.
We can be certain that the next six months are going to be one heck of a wild ride. Trump and his enablers are not done destroying America, not by a long shot. Things can, and very likely will, get much worse. Yet, it will also be an extraordinary time when ordinary people will have the opportunity to become heroes… when many will have a chance to provide leadership and act with valor in the face of great adversity.Continue Reading >>
Fifty years ago today Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first members of mankind to land on the surface of the moon. I was nine years old at the time. Armstrong’s “giant leap for mankind” inspired me to try to follow in his footsteps. It gave me a sense of vision that guided my career in first earning a Ph.D. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from M.I.T., and then going to work in the commercial space industry in Houston.
America in the 1960s was filled with challenges, including a cold war with Russia, protests over the senseless loss of American young men in Vietnam, and injustices related to the rights of minorities and women. Yet, despite those many challenges, it was a time of great optimism. Racism had the prospect of dying off as those who held those viewpoints from the past aged into oblivion. Education and science was embraced. Economic growth was rampant. The quality of medical care and life expectancy in America were steadily increasing. America was the world leader in technology. Gene Roddenberry filled our minds and our TV screens with a vision of a Star Trek into the future in which mankind left behind it’s pettiness to boldly become something far greater.Continue Reading >>
“As in life, when playing dominoes the points of light are what matter, not the surrounding blank. Look for the dots of goodness in the world and an impressive pattern of possibilities emerges. It is here the game is won.”–M. Daniel Nickle
Did you know that there are 55 different techniques of faulty reasoning and distortion that people use when they try to convince you of something that isn’t necessarily true or factual?
Do you know how to identify these faulty reasoning techniques so you don’t get swindled?Continue Reading >>
“There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”
There’s a storm coming. I can feel it in my bones.
(Dominoes tiles are, not so coincidentally, also known as “bones.”)
We live in an increasingly dynamic and dangerous world. Have you ever struggled to understand how the repercussions of disruptive events, like the dramatic drop in the price of oil, the expansion of global terrorism, the fiscal consequences of having an out-of-control national debt, or the environmental effects of global warming, will affect you, your family and your business?Continue Reading >>
Strategies for taking command of our lives through seeing "deep repercussions" in world events and realizing how chain reactions can produce future outcomes.